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Netafim USA
Netafim Angle Barbed Stake
Precio habitual $0.25
Precio habitual $0.24
Netafim Pressure Compensating Standard Spray Stake
Precio habitual $0.41
Netafim Disc Filters
Precio habitual $34+
Netafim 17mm TechLock Compression Fittings
Precio habitual $1.70
Netafim 80 Globe Valve with Flow Control
Precio habitual $44.16
Netafim 0.3 & 0.5 GPH Single Drip Stake Assembly
Precio habitual $28.75+
Netafim 4 Way Dripper Stake Assembly
Precio habitual $95.73+
Netafim UV Polyethylene Tubing
Precio habitual $34.26+
Jain Irrigation
Jain Irrigation Click-Tif Pressure Compensated Button Drippers with Check Valve
Precio habitual $39.87
Hydro Flow
Hydro Flow® DeepRoot Irrigation Drip Emitters
Precio habitual $4.19
Hydro Flow® Bulkhead Fittings
Precio habitual $7.16
Hydro Flow® Dripper Stake with Basket - Black
Precio habitual $0.57
Hydro Flow® Holding Stake
Precio habitual $0.38+
Hydro Flow® Push-In Fittings
Precio habitual $0.14
Jain Irrigation Lateral Flush Barbed Valve
Precio habitual $7.49